Preferred Extension: n3 MIME type: text/n3 XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
Preferred Extension: java XML Based?: No
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
write3DCoordinates | Should 3D coordinates be added? [Default: true] |
builder | Which IChemObjectBuilder should be used? [Default: DefaultChemObjectBuilder] |
write2DCoordinates | Should 2D coordinates be added? [Default: true] |
XML Based?: Yes
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
ChemSequence | true |
Reaction | true |
ReactionSet | true |
isomorphism.matchers.RGroupQuery | true |
Crystal | true |
Preferred Extension: ctx MIME type: chemical/x-ctx XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Extensions: [cml, xml] Preferred Extension: cml MIME type: chemical/x-cml XML Based?: Yes
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
ChemSequence | true |
Reaction | true |
ReactionSet | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
CMLIDs | Should the output use CML identifiers? [Default: true] |
NamespacedOutput | Should the output use namespaced output? [Default: true] |
NamespacePrefix | What should the namespace prefix be? [empty is no prefix] [Default: ] |
Indenting | Should the output be indented? [Default: true] |
SchemaInstance | Should the output use the Schema-Instance attribute? [Default: false] |
XMLDeclaration | Should the output contain an XML declaration? [Default: true] |
InstanceLocation | Where is the schema found? [Default: ] |
Preferred Extension: crystclust XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | false |
ChemSequence | true |
Crystal | true |
Preferred Extension: cif MIME type: chemical/x-cif XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Extensions: [gam, gamin, inp, gamout] Preferred Extension: gam MIME type: chemical/x-gamess-output XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
MIME type: chemical/x-gaussian-log XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
ChemSequence | true |
Extensions: [gau, com] Preferred Extension: gau MIME type: chemical/x-gaussian-input XML Based?: No
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
OpenShell | Should the calculation be open shell? [Default: false] |
Comment | What comment should be put in the file? [Default: Created with CDK (] |
Memory | How much memory do you want to use? [Default: unset] |
Command | What kind of job do you want to perform? [Default: energy calculation] |
ProcessorCount | How many processors should be used by Gaussian? [Default: 1] |
MIME type: chemical/x-gaussian-log XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This reader has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
ReadOptimizedStructureOnly | Should I only read the optimized structure from a geometry optimization? [Default: false] |
Preferred Extension: gpr MIME type: application/x-ghemical XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Preferred Extension: hin MIME type: chemical/x-hin XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
MIME type: chemical/x-inchi XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Preferred Extension: inchi MIME type: chemical/x-inchi-xml XML Based?: Yes
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-molfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This reader has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
AddStereo0d | Allow stereo created from parity value when no coordinates [Default: true] |
AddStereoElements | Detect and create IStereoElements for the input. [Default: true] |
InterpretHydrogenIsotopes | Should D and T be interpreted as hydrogen isotopes? [Default: true] |
ForceReadAs3DCoordinates | Should coordinates always be read as 3D? [Default: false] |
Preferred Extension: mol MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-molfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This reader has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
ForceReadAs3DCoordinates | Should coordinates always be read as 3D? [Default: false] |
Preferred Extension: mol MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-molfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This reader has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
AddStereo0d | Allow stereo created from parity value when no coordinates [Default: true] |
AddStereoElements | Detect and create IStereoElements for the input. [Default: true] |
InterpretHydrogenIsotopes | Should D and T be interpreted as hydrogen isotopes? [Default: true] |
ForceReadAs3DCoordinates | Should coordinates always be read as 3D? [Default: false] |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
ProgramName | Program name to write at the top of the molfile header, should be exactly 8 characters long [Default: CDK] |
ForceWriteAs2DCoordinates | Should coordinates always be written as 2D? [Default: false] |
WriteAromaticBondTypes | Should aromatic bonds be written as bond type 4? [Default: false] |
WriteMajorIsotopes | Write atomic mass of any non-null atomic mass including major isotopes (e.g. [12]C) [Default: true] |
WriteDefaultProperties | Write trailing zero's on atom/bond property blocks even if they're not used. [Default: true] |
WriteQueryFormatValencies | Should valencies be written in the MDL Query format? (deprecated) [Default: false] |
Preferred Extension: rxn MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Reaction | true |
Preferred Extension: rxn MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | false |
Reaction | true |
Preferred Extension: rxn MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Reaction | true |
ReactionSet | true |
Extensions: [sdf, sd] Preferred Extension: sdf MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-sdfile XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This reader has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
AddStereo0d | Allow stereo created from parity value when no coordinates [Default: true] |
AddStereoElements | Detect and create IStereoElements for the input. [Default: true] |
InterpretHydrogenIsotopes | Should D and T be interpreted as hydrogen isotopes? [Default: true] |
ForceReadAs3DCoordinates | Should coordinates always be read as 3D? [Default: false] |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
WriteAromaticBondTypes | Should aromatic bonds be written as bond type 4? [Default: false] |
WriteMajorIsotopes | Write atomic mass of any non-null atomic mass including major isotopes (e.g. [12]C) [Default: true] |
writeProperties | Should molecule properties be written as non-structural data [Default: true] |
WriteQueryFormatValencies | Should valencies be written in the MDL Query format? (deprecated) [Default: false] |
TruncateLongData | Truncate long data files >200 characters [Default: false] |
ProgramName | Program name to write at the top of the molfile header, should be exactly 8 characters long [Default: CDK] |
ForceWriteAs2DCoordinates | Should coordinates always be written as 2D? [Default: false] |
WriteDefaultProperties | Write trailing zero's on atom/bond property blocks even if they're not used. [Default: true] |
writeV3000 | Write all records as V3000 [Default: false] |
Preferred Extension: mol2 MIME type: chemical/x-mol2 XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
Preferred Extension: pmp XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Extensions: [pdb, ent] Preferred Extension: pdb MIME type: chemical/x-pdb XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This reader has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
UseRebondTool | Should the PDBReader deduce bonding patterns? [Default: false] |
ReadConnectSection | Should the CONECT be read? [Default: true] |
UseHetDictionary | Should the PDBReader use the HETATM dictionary for atom types? [Default: false] |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
WriteCONECT | Should the bonds be written as CONECT records? [Default: true] |
UseElementSymbolAsAtomName | Should the element symbol be written as the atom name [Default: false] |
WriteTER | Should a TER record be put at the end of the atoms? [Default: false] |
WriteEND | Should an END record be put at the end of the file? [Default: true] |
WriteAsHET | Should the output file use HETATM [Default: false] |
Preferred Extension: asn XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Preferred Extension: xml XML Based?: Yes
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
Preferred Extension: xml XML Based?: Yes
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
Preferred Extension: smi MIME type: chemical/x-daylight-smiles XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
This writer has these IO settings:
Name | Desc |
SmilesFlavor | Output SMILES flavor, binary option [Default: 12551944] |
WriteTitle | Write the molecule title after the SMILES [Default: true] |
UseAromaticity | Should aromaticity information be stored in the SMILES? [Default: false] |
Extensions: [ins, res] Preferred Extension: ins MIME type: chemical/x-shelx XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Crystal | true |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | false |
Crystal | true |
Extensions: [mol, rgp] Preferred Extension: mol XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | false |
isomorphism.matchers.RGroupQuery | true |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | false |
isomorphism.matchers.RGroupQuery | true |
XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
Preferred Extension: xyz MIME type: chemical/x-xyz XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |
This writer supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | false |
AtomContainer | true |
Crystal | true |
XML Based?: No
This reader supports these data objects:
Class | Accepted |
ChemFile | true |
AtomContainer | false |