Cellular Process Statins inhibit endogenous cholesterol production by competitive inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR), the enzyme that catalyzes conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate, an early rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis. This pathway delineates genes involved in statin pharmacogenomics, including genes involved in mediating the effects of statins on plasma lipoprotein metabolism. Sources: [https://www.pharmgkb.org/pathway/PA2031 PharmGKB] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statin Wikipedia] Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [https://assays.cancer.gov/available_assays?wp_id=WP430 CPTAC Assay Portal]. [-:-] Unknown node in line: Anchor [ARROW:id2f103fd0] Curved connections are not supported. [-:-] Unknown gpml interaction type: mim-translocation [LINE:b4769] Curved connections are not supported. [CONVERSION:ba6c7] Curved connections are not supported. [CONVERSION:id129bdce0] Curved connections are not supported. [LINE:id52ac424a] Curved connections are not supported. [-:-] Unknown gpml interaction type: mim-translocation [LINE:id6a4e25b5] Curved connections are not supported. [LINE:id7e3de2b] Curved connections are not supported. [LINE:idb3964d3f] Curved connections are not supported. [ARROW:idba67fe43] Curved connections are not supported. [LINE:cd80c] Curved connections are not supported. [-:-] Unknown gpml interaction type: mim-translocation [-:-] Unknown gpml interaction type: mim-translocation [-:-] Unknown gpml interaction type: mim-translocation [LINE:id90b15276] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:b4769] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:e66f7] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:ida0c8b2c0] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:b5c90] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:iddf620e37] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:cd80c] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:id7e3de2b] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:d6e4f] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:id19344] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:id6a4e25b5] Invalid interaction type. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:ide4c980d3] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:idba67fe43] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product.