This pathway is inspired by the Lipidmaps>Eicosanoids Pathway expended pathway display [] and extended with the top left side of Figure 1 from Dennis and Norris (2015 []). Eicosanoids are a large group of compounds metabolised from arachidonic acid (AA), either via cyclooxygenases (COX)[], lipooxygenases(LOX)[], or cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYP)[]. This pathway visualises the first route, via COX, where additonal colours have been used to visualise which conversions are being performed by the same enzymes. Green and orange boxes represent receptors, where the orange colour depicts peroxisome-proliferator activating receptors (PPARs) potentially activated by the eicosanoids. [STIMULATION:d64e5] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:id6d6fe4f2] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:e8231] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:ca4ec] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:a9c10] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:ff048] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:b0079] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:b32aa] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:idbc642d05] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:a6af9] Invalid interaction type. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 18761324) for id7dfb4eb4 already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id52bb3434] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 26139350) for id183c3ff1 already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:iddd37785f] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id17493fc8] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id1fb88c8e] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 26139350) for id5a3a58a1 already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id3d54aa11] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 18761324) for c5e68 already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:idb5178a6] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [Complex:f727c] Empty element is invalid [Complex:bb972] Empty element is invalid [Complex:cb508] Empty element is invalid [Complex:f2bee] Empty element is invalid [Complex:e0e59] Empty element is invalid [Complex:b7ef2] Empty element is invalid