This pathway is inspired by the Lipidmaps>Sterol lipids expended pathway display [] and extended with Scheme 1 from Acimovic et al (2013 []). Literature suggests that cholesterol synthesis preferentially starts with the Bloch pathway, however there is a shift to the Kandutsch-Russell part via lathosterol (Bae et al, 1997[]). Dashed lines indicate that multiple steps are involved to create the final product. Several regulatory effects concerning the metabolites of cholesterol have been indicated as well. The content from the Bloch and Kandutsch-Russel pathways have been checked against literature, and differences compared to the original LipidMaps pathway have been coloured turquoise. This pathway was inferred from Mus musculus pathway [WP4346_106325.gpml] with a 94.0% conversion rate. New PW, homology converted [STIMULATION:e4ff7] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:id469a490c] Invalid interaction type. [INHIBITION:dcad8] Invalid interaction type. [INHIBITION:id2c66cd62] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:idd9f102da] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:idf4b93348] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:bdc80] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:idc477ee2a] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:id607ddba5] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:a20b4] Invalid interaction type. [STIMULATION:a101d] Invalid interaction type. [ARROW:id84c482b9] Invalid interaction type "ARROW" as an output from reaction. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for d5270 already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id4755548d] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for d3008 already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for ce2ee already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:idbbb5528b] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for b43bb already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for id2165080a already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for dacb6 already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for d1ca9 already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for e1293 already exists. Ignoring... [ReducedPhysicalStimulationReaction:idd9f102da] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id75fcb1bb] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for a4192 already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for iddf348d19 already exists. Ignoring... [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for a958f already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:idad096071] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id85b559d0] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for cbdab already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:id2e5582ce] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for ff17b already exists. Ignoring... [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:ida2f1181b] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [UnknownPositiveInfluenceReaction:a92d2] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [-:-] Miriam data (PUBMED: 23558541) for e98b2 already exists. Ignoring... [Complex:b6286] Empty element is invalid [Complex:ae0aa] Empty element is invalid [Complex:a7a65] Empty element is invalid