Number of statements per type

Following up on a question on the scalability of Wikidata, it was said on IRC that one of the current bottlenecks is the size of items, and more that than the number of items. We got to talk about Wikicite, and I wondered about the size of typical types of items, like a scholarly articles, an author, a chemical, a gene, and maybe a book.

While the provenance accounts for a good bit of the size of the Wikidata item, maybe a first approach would be the number of statements. We here explore the differences by sampling each type and request the number of statements on each. Of course, we need a sample size:

Installing the dependencies

If you do not have them installed, you need to get the following packages:


Helper function

We can define a helper function that uses SPARQL to get the statement counts:

getCounts <- function(type="Q11173", sampleSize=10, typeClass=1) {
  query = paste(
    "SELECT ?statementcount WITH {",
    "    ?obj wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:", type, " .",
    "  } LIMIT ", sampleSize,
    "} AS %objects {",
    "  INCLUDE %objects",
    "  ?obj wikibase:statements ?statementcount",
    "}", sep=""
  counts = SPARQL(
  newData = cbind(rep(typeClass,length(counts)), t(counts))
  row.names(newData) = c()

General classes

We first sample the number of statements for things in a short series:

wikidataTypes = data.frame(
  labels=c("Compounds", "Articles", "Professors")
for (i in 1:nrow(wikidataTypes)) {
  allData = rbind(allData, getCounts(wikidataTypes[i,"qids"], sampleSize, typeClass=i))
allDF = data.frame(Type=allData[,1], Statements=allData[,2])
allDF$Type <- factor(allDF$Type, labels = wikidataTypes$labels)

We can the plot the results:

p10 <- ggplot(allDF, aes(x = Type, y = Statements)) +
       geom_boxplot(fill="#4271AE", alpha = 0.7) +
       scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') +
       scale_x_discrete(name = "Wikidata Types") +
       geom_jitter(alpha=0.1, size=0.5)

Scholia classes

We first sample the number of statements for things in a short series:

allData = c()
wikidataTypes = data.frame(
  qids=c("Q11173","Q13442814","Q5", "Q7187", "Q2431196", "Q17350442", "Q43229", "Q1656682", "Q16521", "Q486972"),
  labels=c("Compound", "Article", "Human", "Gene", "Audiovisual", "Venue", "Organization", "Event", "Taxon", "Settlement")
for (i in 1:nrow(wikidataTypes)) {
  allData = rbind(allData, getCounts(wikidataTypes[i,"qids"], sampleSize, typeClass=i))
allDF = data.frame(Type=allData[,1], Statements=allData[,2])
allDF$Type <- factor(allDF$Type, labels = wikidataTypes$labels)

We can the plot the results:

p10 <- ggplot(allDF, aes(x = Type, y = Statements)) +
       geom_boxplot(fill="#4271AE", alpha = 0.7) +
       scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') +
       scale_x_discrete(name = "Wikidata Types") +
       geom_jitter(alpha=0.1, size=0.5)