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This Chapter gives information about this disease. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (see Section 5).


The below query lists symptomis, but everyone should really check the provenance and frequency of these symptoms in the Wikidata entry of COVID-19.

However, a rough overview of symptoms can be listed with this query:

SPARQL sparql/symptoms.rq (run, edit)

SELECT ?symptom ?symptomLabel WHERE {
  wd:Q84263196 wdt:P780 ?symptom .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,en". }

Listing these symptoms:

headache (edit)
anemia (edit)
fatigue (edit)
cough (edit)
fever (edit)
diarrhea (edit)
hypoxia (edit)
delirium (edit)
conjunctivitis (edit)
psychosis (edit)
abdominal pain (edit)
erectile dysfunction (edit)
nausea (edit)
dyspnea (edit)
encephalitis (edit)
anorexia (edit)
occupational burnout (edit)
anosmia (edit)
myalgia (edit)
lymphopenia (edit)
enanthem (edit)
ageusia (edit)
hemoptysis (edit)
brain damage (edit)
respiratory failure (edit)
chills (edit)
viral pneumonia (edit)
nasal congestion (edit)
neurological disorder (edit)
thromboinflammation (edit)


Besides the above symptoms, the following effects are also observed. Please note that the information in Wikidata has more information, because some effects are only observed for some people:

SPARQL sparql/effects.rq (run, edit)

SELECT ?effect ?effectLabel WHERE {
  wd:Q84263196 wdt:P1542 ?effect .
  MINUS { ?effect wdt:P31 wd:Q12184 }
  MINUS { ?effect wdt:P31 wd:Q3241045 }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,en". }

This lists these effects:

blood coagulation (edit)
thrombosis (edit)
acute respiratory distress syndrome (edit)
cytokine storm (edit)
toxic shock syndrome (edit)
viral pneumonia (edit)
pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (edit)
long covid (edit)
COVID-19 mortality (edit)