

Ejemplos de código: curl


SELECT ?trial ?trialLabel ?intervention ?interventionLabel ?phase ?phaseLabel ?identifier WITH {
  SELECT DISTINCT ?trial ?phase ?identifier WHERE {
    VALUES ?topic { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q82069695 }
    ?trial wdt:P31 wd:Q30612 ;
           wdt:P921 ?topic ;
           wdt:P6099 ?phase ;
           wdt:P3098 ?identifier .
    ?trial wdt:P4844 ?intervention .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "es,en". }
} ORDER BY DESC(?identifier) ASC(?intervention)

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trial intervention phase identifier
A Randomised, Controlled, Phase 1 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of a Candidate Adjuvanted Recombinant Protein SARS-COV-2 Vaccine in Healthy Adult Subjects (edit) COVAX-19 (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04453852
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
An Adaptive Study of Favipiravir Compared to Standard of Care in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04434248
Dose-Confirmation Study to Evaluate the Safety, Reactogenicity, and Immunogenicity of mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine in Adults Aged 18 Years and Older (edit) mRNA-1273 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04405076
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of a Single Administration of Olokizumab and RPH-104 With Standard Therapy in Patients With Severe Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection (COVID-19) (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04380519
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of a Single Administration of Olokizumab and RPH-104 With Standard Therapy in Patients With Severe Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection (COVID-19) (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04380519
Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Potential Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Adults (edit) tozinameran (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04368728
Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Potential Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Adults (edit) tozinameran (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04368728
Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Potential Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Adults (edit) tozinameran (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04368728
Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Local Budesonide Therapy in the Management of Hyposmia in COVID-19 Patients Without Signs of Severity (edit) Budesonida (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04361474
COVID-19: A Pilot Study of Adaptive Immunity and Anti-PD1 (edit) Nivolumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04356508
Interferon Beta 1a in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (edit) interferón (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04350671
Interferon Beta 1a in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (edit) interferon beta-1a (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04350671
Interferon Beta 1a in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04350671
Interferon Beta 1a in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04350671
Interferon Beta 1a in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04350671
Treatment of SARS Caused by COVID-19 With Ruxolitinib (edit) Ruxolitinib (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04334044
Treatment of SARS Caused by COVID-19 With Ruxolitinib (edit) Ruxolitinib (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04334044
Prospective Study in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Cancer and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333914
Prospective Study in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Cancer and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333914
Prospective Study in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Cancer and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection (edit) Nivolumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333914
CROWN CORONATION: Chloroquine RepurpOsing to healthWorkers for Novel CORONAvirus mitigaTION (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333732
CROWN CORONATION: Chloroquine RepurpOsing to healthWorkers for Novel CORONAvirus mitigaTION (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333732
CROWN CORONATION: Chloroquine RepurpOsing to healthWorkers for Novel CORONAvirus mitigaTION (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333732
Hydroxychloroquine in Outpatient Adults With COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333654
Chloroquine for Mild Symptomatic and Asymptomatic COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333628
Chloroquine for Mild Symptomatic and Asymptomatic COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333628
Chloroquine for Mild Symptomatic and Asymptomatic COVID-19 (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333628
Chloroquine for Mild Symptomatic and Asymptomatic COVID-19 (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333628
Application of Desferal to Treat COVID-19 (edit) deferoxamina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333550
Application of Desferal to Treat COVID-19 (edit) deferoxamina (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333550
Piclidenoson for Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) piclidenoson (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333472
Cell Therapy Using Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in SARS-CoV-2-related ARDS (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333368
Cell Therapy Using Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in SARS-CoV-2-related ARDS (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333368
Safety in Convalescent Plasma Transfusion to COVID-19 (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333355
Study Testing Convalescent Plasma vs Best Supportive Care (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333251
Hydroxychloroquine in the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection in Healthcare Workers (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04333225
Outcomes Related to COVID-19 Treated With Hydroxychloroquine Among In-patients With Symptomatic Disease (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332991
Convalescent Plasma for Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized, Open Label, Parallel, Controlled Clinical Study (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332835
Convalescent Plasma for Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized, Open Label, Parallel, Controlled Clinical Study (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332835
Angiotensin-(1,7) Treatment in COVID-19: the ATCO Trial (edit) inhibidor de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332666
Angiotensin-(1,7) Treatment in COVID-19: the ATCO Trial (edit) inhibidor de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332666
Convalescent Plasma for Patients With COVID-19: A Pilot Study (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332380
Azithromycin for COVID-19 Treatment in Outpatients Nationwide (edit) azitromicina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332107
Clinical Trial of Combined Use of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Tocilizumab for the Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) azitromicina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332094
Clinical Trial of Combined Use of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Tocilizumab for the Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332094
Clinical Trial of Combined Use of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Tocilizumab for the Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) tocilizumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04332094
Mild COVID-19 Peginterferon Lambda (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331899
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis With Hydroxychloroquine for High-Risk Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331834
Cohort Multiple Randomized Controlled Trials Open-label of Immune Modulatory Drugs and Other Treatments in COVID-19 Patients - Tocilizumab Trial - CORIMUNO-19 - TOCI (CORIMUNO-TOCI) (edit) tocilizumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331808
Tocilizumab to Prevent Clinical Decompensation in Hospitalized, Non-critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonitis (edit) tocilizumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331795
Safety and Efficacy of CAStem for Severe COVID-19 Associated With/Without ARDS (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331613
Safety and Efficacy of CAStem for Severe COVID-19 Associated With/Without ARDS (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331613
ChloroQUine As antiviRal treAtmeNT In coroNavirus infEction 2020 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331600
ChloroQUine As antiviRal treAtmeNT In coroNavirus infEction 2020 (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331600
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) formoterol fumarate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) formoterol fumarate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) levamisol (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) levamisol (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Budesonida (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Budesonida (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Evaluation of Efficacy of Levamisole and Formoterol+Budesonide in Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331470
Protective Role of Inhaled Steroids for Covid-19 Infection (edit) Budesonida (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04331054
Treatments for COVID-19: Canadian Arm of the SOLIDARITY Trial (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330690
Treatments for COVID-19: Canadian Arm of the SOLIDARITY Trial (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330690
Treatment of COVID-19 Patients With Anti-interleukin Drugs (edit) Siltuximab (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330638
Treatment of COVID-19 Patients With Anti-interleukin Drugs (edit) anakinra (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330638
A Trial of Ciclesonide in Adults With Mild COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330586
A Trial of Ciclesonide in Adults With Mild COVID-19 (edit) Ciclesonida (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330586
Randomized, Controlled, Double-blind Clinical Trial Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Chemoprophylaxis With Hydroxychloroquine in Patients Under Biological Treatment and / or JAK Inhibitors in the Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (edit) Inhibidor de la quinasa Janus (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330495
Randomized, Controlled, Double-blind Clinical Trial Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Chemoprophylaxis With Hydroxychloroquine in Patients Under Biological Treatment and / or JAK Inhibitors in the Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330495
Hydroxychloroquine as Post Exposure Prophylaxis for SARS-CoV-2(HOPE Trial) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04330144
The PATCH Trial (Prevention And Treatment of COVID-19 With Hydroxychloroquine) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329923
Hydroxychloroquine vs. Azithromycin for Hospitalized Patients With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329832
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) Prednisolona (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) methylprednisolone acetate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) prednisolone acetate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) methylprednisolone hemisuccinate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) prednisolone 21-phosphate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) prednisolone hemisuccinate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) Siltuximab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Efficacy and Safety of Siltuximab vs. Corticosteroids in Hospitalized Patients With COVID19 Pneumonia (edit) metilprednisolona (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329650
Hydroxychloroquine to Prevent Covid19 Pneumonia (ALBERTA HOPE-Covid19) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329611
Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin for the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients With Moderate to Severe COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329572
EPICOS Clinical Trial for the Prevention of Infection in Healthcare Personnel (edit) Tenofovir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329520
EPICOS Clinical Trial for the Prevention of Infection in Healthcare Personnel (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329520
EPICOS Clinical Trial for the Prevention of Infection in Healthcare Personnel (edit) emtricitabina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329520
ACE Inhibitors or ARBs Discontinuation in Context of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemia (edit) inhibidor de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04329195
Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 PEP (edit) ácido ascórbico (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328961
Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 PEP (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328961
The Vietnam Chloroquine Treatment on COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328493
The Vietnam Chloroquine Treatment on COVID-19 (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328493
Chemoprophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) in Exposed Healthcare Workers (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328285
Chemoprophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) in Exposed Healthcare Workers (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328285
Chemoprophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) in Exposed Healthcare Workers (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328285
Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 Patients (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328272
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) coal tar pitch volatiles (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) coal tar pitch volatiles (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) losartán, losartano (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) losartán, losartano (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Comparison Of Therapeutics for Hospitalized Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 In a Pragmatic aDaptive randoMizED Clinical Trial During the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID MED Trial) (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04328012
Safety and Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen for ARDS in Patients With COVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327505
Safety and Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen for ARDS in Patients With COVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327505
COVID-19-associated ARDS Treated With Dexamethasone: Alliance Covid-19 Brasil III (edit) dexamethasone acetate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327401
COVID-19-associated ARDS Treated With Dexamethasone: Alliance Covid-19 Brasil III (edit) ciclofosfamida (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327401
Sarilumab COVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327388
Sarilumab COVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327388
BCG Vaccination to Protect Healthcare Workers Against COVID-19 (edit) Vacuna BCG (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04327206
Sargramostim in Patients With Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Due to COVID-19 (SARPAC) (edit) sargramostim (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04326920
The GReek Study in the Effects of Colchicine in Covid-19 (edit) gloriosine (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04326790
COVIDL1: A Study to Investigate the Efficacy of Tradipitant in Treating Severe or Critical COVID-19 Infection (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04326426
Use of cSVF Via IV Deployment for Residual Lung Damage After Symptomatic COVID-19 Infection (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04326036
Hydroxychloroquine Versus Placebo in Patients Presenting COVID-19 Infection and at Risk of Secondary Complication: a Prospective, Multicentre, Randomised, Double-blind Study (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04325893
Convalescent Plasma to Limit Coronavirus Associated Complications (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04325672
Efficacy of Addition of Naproxen in the Treatment of Critically Ill Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 Infection (edit) Naproxeno (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04325633
Efficacy of Dexamethasone Treatment for Patients With ARDS Caused by COVID-19 (edit) dexamethasone acetate (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04325061
Efficacy of Dexamethasone Treatment for Patients With ARDS Caused by COVID-19 (edit) ciclofosfamida (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04325061
A Phase I/II Study of Universal Off-the-shelf NKG2D-ACE2 CAR-NK Cells for Therapy of COVID-19 (edit) sargramostim (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324996
A Phase I/II Study of Universal Off-the-shelf NKG2D-ACE2 CAR-NK Cells for Therapy of COVID-19 (edit) sargramostim (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324996
A Study of a Candidate COVID-19 Vaccine (COV001) (edit) AZD1222 (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324606
A Study of a Candidate COVID-19 Vaccine (COV001) (edit) AZD1222 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324606
Anti-Coronavirus Therapies to Prevent Progression of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Trial (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324463
Anti-Coronavirus Therapies to Prevent Progression of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Trial (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324463
Cohort Multiple Randomized Controlled Trials Open-label of Immune Modulatory Drugs and Other Treatments in COVID-19 Patients - Sarilumab Trial - CORIMUNO-19 - SARI (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324073
Cohort Multiple Randomized Controlled Trials Open-label of Immune Modulatory Drugs and Other Treatments in COVID-19 Patients - Sarilumab Trial - CORIMUNO-19 - SARI (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324073
Efficacy and Safety of Emapalumab and Anakinra in Reducing Hyperinflammation and Respiratory Distress in Patients With COVID-19 Infection. (edit) anakinra (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324021
Efficacy and Safety of Emapalumab and Anakinra in Reducing Hyperinflammation and Respiratory Distress in Patients With COVID-19 Infection. (edit) anakinra (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04324021
Efficacy and Safety Human Coronavirus Immune Plasma (HCIP) vs. Control (SARS-CoV-2 Non-immune Plasma) Among Adults Exposed to COVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323800
Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Patients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19 to Prevent Progression to Severe Infection or Death (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323631
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) Prednisolona (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) Prednisolona (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) methylprednisolone acetate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) methylprednisolone acetate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) prednisolone acetate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) prednisolone acetate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) methylprednisolone hemisuccinate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) methylprednisolone hemisuccinate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) prednisolone 21-phosphate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) prednisolone 21-phosphate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) prednisolone hemisuccinate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) prednisolone hemisuccinate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) metilprednisolona (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Methylprednisolone for Patients With COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (edit) metilprednisolona (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323592
Efficacy of Natural Honey Treatment in Patients With Novel Coronavirus (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323345
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Severe COVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323332
Anti-inflammatory/Antioxidant Oral Nutrition Supplementation in COVID-19 (edit) antiinflamatorio no esteroideo (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04323228
Anti-il6 Treatment of Serious COVID-19 Disease With Threatening Respiratory Failure (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322773
Colchicine Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 Trial (edit) colchicina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322682
Colchicine Efficacy in COVID-19 Pneumonia (edit) gloriosine (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322565
Proactive Prophylaxis With Azithromycin and Chloroquine in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322396
Proactive Prophylaxis With Azithromycin and Chloroquine in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322396
Proactive Prophylaxis With Azithromycin and Chloroquine in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322396
Escin in Patients With Covid-19 Infection (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322344
Escin in Patients With Covid-19 Infection (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322344
Safety and Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine Associated With Azythromycin in SARS-Cov-2 Virus (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04322123
Treatment of Moderate to Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Hospitalized Patients (edit) Inhibidor de la quinasa Janus (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321993
Treatment of Moderate to Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Hospitalized Patients (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321993
Treatment of Moderate to Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Hospitalized Patients (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321993
Treatment of Moderate to Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Hospitalized Patients (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321993
The Efficacy of Different Anti-viral Drugs in (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2) SARS-CoV-2 (edit) agente antiviral (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321616
The Efficacy of Different Anti-viral Drugs in (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2) SARS-CoV-2 (edit) agente antiviral (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321616
The Efficacy of Different Anti-viral Drugs in (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2) SARS-CoV-2 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321616
The Efficacy of Different Anti-viral Drugs in (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2) SARS-CoV-2 (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321616
Safety and Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine Associated With Azithromycin in SARS-CoV2 Virus (Coalition Covid-19 Brasil II) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321278
COVID-19 Ring-based Prevention Trial With Lopinavir/Ritonavir (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321174
COVID-19 Ring-based Prevention Trial With Lopinavir/Ritonavir (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321174
The Impact of Camostat Mesilate on COVID-19 Infection (edit) gabexate (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321096
The Impact of Camostat Mesilate on COVID-19 Infection (edit) gabexate (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04321096
A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Tocilizumab in Patients With Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04320615
Baricitinib in Symptomatic Patients Infected by COVID-19: an Open-label, Pilot Study. (edit) agente antiviral (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04320277
Baricitinib in Symptomatic Patients Infected by COVID-19: an Open-label, Pilot Study. (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04320277
Experimental Trial of rhIFNα Nasal Drops to Prevent 2019-nCOV in Medical Staff (edit) interferón (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04320238
Experimental Trial of rhIFNα Nasal Drops to Prevent 2019-nCOV in Medical Staff (edit) thymalfasin (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04320238
A Pilot Study of Human Amniotic Fluid for COVID19 Associated Respiratory Failure (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04319731
Hydroxychloroquine Post Exposure Prophylaxis for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04318444
Hydroxychloroquine Post Exposure Prophylaxis for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04318444
Hydroxychloroquine Chemoprophylaxis in Healthcare Personnel in Contact With COVID-19 Patients (PHYDRA Trial) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04318015
Tocilizumab in COVID-19 Pneumonia (TOCIVID-19) (edit) tocilizumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04317092
CD24Fc as a Non-antiviral Immunomodulator in COVID-19 Treatment (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04317040
Norwegian Coronavirus Disease 2019 Study (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04316377
Norwegian Coronavirus Disease 2019 Study (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04316377
Norwegian Coronavirus Disease 2019 Study (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04316377
NestCell® Mesenchymal Stem Cell to Treat Patients With Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315987
Ensayo de tratamientos para COVID-19 en adultos hospitalizados (edit) interferón (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315948
Ensayo de tratamientos para COVID-19 en adultos hospitalizados (edit) interferon beta-1a (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315948
Ensayo de tratamientos para COVID-19 en adultos hospitalizados (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315948
Ensayo de tratamientos para COVID-19 en adultos hospitalizados (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315948
Ensayo de tratamientos para COVID-19 en adultos hospitalizados (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315948
Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Severe COVID-19 Pulmonary Infection (HYDRA Trial) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315896
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Sarilumab in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315298
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Sarilumab in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04315298
Treatment of COVID-19 Patients Using Wharton's Jelly-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04313322
A Phase 2 Multiple Dose Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of PUL-042 Inhalation Solution in Reducing the Infection Rate and Progression to COVID-19 in Adults Exposed to SARS-CoV-2 (edit) paracetamol (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04313023
The Use of PUL-042 Inhalation Solution to Reduce the Severity of COVID-19 in Adults Positive for SARS-CoV-2 Infection (edit) paracetamol (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04312997
NO Prevention of COVID-19 for Healthcare Providers (edit) óxido nítrico (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04312243
Randomized Controlled Trial of Losartan for Patients With COVID-19 Requiring Hospitalization (edit) losartán, losartano (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04312009
Intravenous Aviptadil for COVID-19 Associated Acute Respiratory Distress (edit) Fentolamina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04311697
Randomized Controlled Trial of Losartan for Patients With COVID-19 Not Requiring Hospitalization (edit) losartán, losartano (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04311177
Yinhu Qingwen Granula for the Treatment of Severe CoVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04310865
Yinhu Qingwen Granula for the Treatment of Severe CoVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04310865
Tetrandrine Tablets Used in the Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04308317
Comparison of Lopinavir/Ritonavir or Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Mild Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (edit) hidroxicloroquina (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04307693
Comparison of Lopinavir/Ritonavir or Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Mild Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04307693
Comparison of Lopinavir/Ritonavir or Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Mild Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04307693
Nitric Oxide Gas Inhalation Therapy for Mild/Moderate COVID-19 (edit) óxido nítrico (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04305457
A Pilot Study of Sildenafil in COVID-19 (edit) ácido cítrico (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04304313
A Pilot Study of Sildenafil in COVID-19 (edit) sildenafil citrate (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04304313
A Pilot Study of Sildenafil in COVID-19 (edit) citrato de trisodio (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04304313
Treatment of Mild Cases and Chemoprophylaxis of Contacts as Prevention of the COVID-19 Epidemic (edit) agente antiviral (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04304053
Treatment of Mild Cases and Chemoprophylaxis of Contacts as Prevention of the COVID-19 Epidemic (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04304053
Various Combination of Protease Inhibitors, Oseltamivir, Favipiravir, and Chloroquin for Treatment of COVID19 : A Randomized Control Trial (edit) Oseltamivir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04303299
Various Combination of Protease Inhibitors, Oseltamivir, Favipiravir, and Chloroquin for Treatment of COVID19 : A Randomized Control Trial (edit) Darunavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04303299
Various Combination of Protease Inhibitors, Oseltamivir, Favipiravir, and Chloroquin for Treatment of COVID19 : A Randomized Control Trial (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04303299
Various Combination of Protease Inhibitors, Oseltamivir, Favipiravir, and Chloroquin for Treatment of COVID19 : A Randomized Control Trial (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04303299
Various Combination of Protease Inhibitors, Oseltamivir, Favipiravir, and Chloroquin for Treatment of COVID19 : A Randomized Control Trial (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04303299
Various Combination of Protease Inhibitors, Oseltamivir, Favipiravir, and Chloroquin for Treatment of COVID19 : A Randomized Control Trial (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04303299
Safety and Immunity of Covid-19 aAPC Vaccine (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04299724
Stem Cell Educator Therapy Treat the Viral Inflammation Caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04299152
Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (edit) remdesivir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04292899
Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Moderate Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Compared to Standard of Care Treatment (edit) remdesivir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04292730
The Efficacy and Safety of Huai er in the Adjuvant Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04291053
The Efficacy and Safety of Huai er in the Adjuvant Treatment of COVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04291053
Nitric Oxide Gas Inhalation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in COVID-19. (edit) óxido nítrico (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04290871
Nitric Oxide Gas Inhalation Therapy for Mild/Moderate COVID19 Infection (edit) óxido nítrico (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04290858
Treatment With Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Severe Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04288102
Treatment With Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Severe Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04288102
The Clinical Study of Carrimycin on Treatment Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Cloroquina (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04286503
The Clinical Study of Carrimycin on Treatment Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Lopinavir (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04286503
The Clinical Study of Carrimycin on Treatment Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Ritonavir (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04286503
The Clinical Study of Carrimycin on Treatment Patients With COVID-19 (edit) Chloroquine diphosphate bearing dextran nanoparticles augmented drug delivery and overwhelmed drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum parasites (edit) fase 4 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04286503
Safety and Immunogenicity Study of 2019-nCoV Vaccine (mRNA-1273) to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection (edit) mRNA-1273 (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04283461
A Multicenter, Adaptive, Randomized Blinded Controlled Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Investigational Therapeutics for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Adults (edit) remdesivir (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04280705
Fingolimod in COVID-19 (edit) fingolimod hydrochloride (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04280588
Yinhu Qingwen Decoction for the Treatment of Mild / Common CoVID-19 (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04278963
Yinhu Qingwen Decoction for the Treatment of Mild / Common CoVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04278963
Function and Safety Study of SARS-CoV-2 Synthetic Minigene Vaccines (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04276896
Function and Safety Study of SARS-CoV-2 Synthetic Minigene Vaccines (edit) fase 1 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04276896
Bevacizumab in Severe or Critical Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia (edit) Bevacizumab (edit) fase 3 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04275414
Bevacizumab in Severe or Critical Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia (edit) Bevacizumab (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04275414
The Efficacy and Safety of Thalidomide Combined With Low-dose Hormones in the Treatment of Severe COVID-19 (edit) talidomida (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04273581
The Efficacy and Safety of Thalidomide Combined With Low-dose Hormones in the Treatment of Severe COVID-19 (edit) COVID-19 (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04273581
The Efficacy and Safety of Thalidomide in the Adjuvant Treatment of Moderate New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia (edit) talidomida (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04273529
Immunoregulatory Therapy for 2019-nCoV (edit) immunoglobulin (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04268537
Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia (edit) ácido ascórbico (edit) fase 2 de ensayo clínico (edit) NCT04264533

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curl -H "Accept: text/tab-separated-values" -G --data-urlencode query@clinicalTrials.rq

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