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addDataProperty(IRDFStore, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a new RDF data triple in the given triple store.
addObjectProperty(IRDFStore, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a new RDF object triple in the given triple store.
addPrefix(IRDFStore, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Adds a prefix definition to the given triple store.
addPropertyInLanguage(IRDFStore, String, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a new RDF data triple in the given triple store.
addTypedDataProperty(IRDFStore, String, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a new RDF data triple in the given triple store.
allOwlEquivalentClass(IRDFStore, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Lists all resources that are owl:equivalentClass as the given resource.
allOwlSameAs(IRDFStore, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Lists all resources that are owl:sameAs as the given resource.
append(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Appends the new content to write to a new or existing file in the Bioclipse workspace.
append(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Appends the new content to write to a new or existing file in the Bioclipse workspace.
append(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Appends the new content to write to a new or existing file in the Bioclipse workspace.
appendToSDF(String, ICDKMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Extends the given SD file with an molfile entry for the given ICDKMolecule.
asCDKMolecule() - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
asCDKMolecule(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Helper function that casts or converts the input IMolecule to an ICDKMolecule.
asHTML(IReport) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ReportManager
Serializes the content of the given report into HTML.
asMarkdown(IReport) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ReportManager
Serializes the content of the given report into Markdown.
asRDFN3(IRDFStore) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Serializes the triples in the triple store as Notation3.
asString(ShexReport) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Converts a ShexReport into a String.
assumeOnline() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Tests if there is an active internet connection and throws an BioclipseException if not.
asSVG(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
asTurtle(IRDFStore) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Serializes the triples in the triple store as Turtle.


BioclipseManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager providing core functionality.
BioclipseManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Creates a new BioclipseManager.
BiojavaDNA - Class in net.bioclipse.biojava.domain
BiojavaDNA() - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaDNA
BiojavaDNA(Sequence) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaDNA
BiojavaManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides BioJava functionality.
BiojavaManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
Creates a new BiojavaManager.
BiojavaProtein - Class in net.bioclipse.biojava.domain
BiojavaProtein() - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaProtein
BiojavaProtein(Sequence) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaProtein
BiojavaSequence - Class in net.bioclipse.biojava.domain
BiojavaSequence() - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
BiojavaSequence(Sequence) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
Create a BiojavaSequence from a Sequence.
BridgedbManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides identifier mapping functionality using the BridgeDb framework.
BridgedbManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Creates a new BridgedbManager.


calculateMajorIsotopeMass(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
calculateMass(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
calculateSMILES(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Returns the SMILES for a molecule.
CDKDebugManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality by the Chemistry Development Kit that give access to less used functionality and exposes more details of the underlying data model.
CDKDebugManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug.CDKDebugManager
Creates a new CDKDebugManager.
CDKManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides cheminformatics functionality using the Chemistry Development Kit database.
CDKManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new CDKManager.
check(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Checks the validity of the InChI.
checkKey(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Checks the validity of the InChIkey.
checkStrict(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Checks the validity of the InChI using more strict rules.
ChemspiderManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality to interact with the ChemSpider database.
ChemspiderManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.ChemspiderManager
Creates a new ChemspiderManager.
CONNECT_TIME_OUT - Static variable in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
convertTo(Quantity, Unit) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Converts a quantity from one unit to another.
convertTo(Quantity, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Converts a quantity from one unit to another.
createInMemoryStore() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a triple store that is fully stored in memory.
createInMemoryStore(boolean) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates an ontology triple store that is fully stored in memory.
createMoleculeList() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Create a new Java List for storing ICDKMolecule.
createReport() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ReportManager
Creates a new IReport object.
createStore(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a triple store that is fully stored on disk.
curie(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Creates a Xref object for the given compact identifier.


determineIChemFormat(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Determines the file format of the given input.
determineIChemFormatOfString(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Determines the file format of the given input.
diff(ICDKMolecule, ICDKMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug.CDKDebugManager
Returns the differences between the two molecules.
DNAfromPlainSequence(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
DNAfromPlainSequence(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
doi() - Method in interface io.github.egonw.bacting.IBactingManager
Lists the DOIs of the articles associated to this manager.
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug.CDKDebugManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ChemspiderManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.DOIManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.DuckDuckGoManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ExcelManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OpsinManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OscarManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubmedManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ReportManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.SitemapManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
doi() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ZenodoManager
DOIManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
DOIManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.DOIManager
Creates a new DOIManager.
download(Integer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ChemspiderManager
Downloads the molecular for the given ChemSpider identifier as a IMolecule object.
download(Integer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
download(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Downloads the content of the page located by the given URL string as a Java String.
download(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Downloads the content of the page located by the given URL string as a Java String in the given mimetype (if provided by the webserver).
download(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Downloads the content of the page located by the given URL string as a Java String in the given mimetype (if provided by the webserver).
download(List<Integer>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
download3d(Integer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
download3d(List<Integer>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
download3dAsString(Integer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
downloadAsFile(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Downloads the content of the page located by the given URL string as a file in the Bioclipse workspace and return the path as String.
downloadAsFile(String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Downloads the content of the page located by the given URL string as a file in the given mimetype (if provided by the webserver) in the Bioclipse workspace and return the path as String.
downloadAsFile(String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Downloads the content of the page located by the given URL string as a file in the given mimetype (if provided by the webserver) in the Bioclipse workspace and return the path as String.
downloadAsString(Integer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ChemspiderManager
Downloads the molecular for the given ChemSpider identifier as an SD file.
downloadAsString(Integer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
downloadRDF(Integer, IRDFStore) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
DuckDuckGoManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the Resource Description Framework standard.
DuckDuckGoManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.DuckDuckGoManager
Creates a new DuckDuckGoManager.
DummyErrorHandler - Class in
Dummy error handler that ignores all problems.
DummyErrorHandler() - Constructor for class


error(SAXParseException) - Method in class
ExcelManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
ExcelManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.ExcelManager
extractText(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OscarManager
Extracts plain text from a HTML document.


factory - Variable in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class
fetchInfo(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.DOIManager
fetchInfo(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubmedManager
fileExists(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Determines if the given file exists in the Bioclipse workspace.
findNamedEntities(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OscarManager
Extracts named entities from a text.
findResolvedNamedEntities(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OscarManager
Extracts molecules from a text for which the corresponding named entities are recognized as chemicals.
findUnits(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Returns a list of zero or more units matching the given unit.
fromCml(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new ICDKMolecule from CML in the given String.
fromSMILES(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new ICDKMolecule from the SMILES in the given String.
fromString(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new ICDKMolecule from the content of the given String, but guesses the format the input is in.
fullPath(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Converts a Bioclipse workspace path for the given file to an operating system level absolute path.


generate(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Generates an InChI for the given IMolecule.
generate(IMolecule, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Generates an InChI for the given IMolecule, using the given options.
generateInChI(IMaterial) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
getAdapter(Class) - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
getAdapter(Class) - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
getAtomsWithDefinedStereo(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Determine the atoms for which the stereochemistry is defined.
getAtomsWithUndefinedStereo(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Determine the atoms for which the stereochemistry is not fully defined.
getConformers() - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
getEntityID(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Return a work with the given DOI, or throws an BioclipseException when it does not exist.
getEntityID(InChI) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Returns the Wikidata entity ID for the molecule with the given InChI.
getEntityIDs(List<InChI>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Returns the Wikidata entity IDs for the molecules with the given InChIs.
getEntityIDsForDOIs(List<String>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Returns the Wikidata entity IDs for the works with the given DOIs.
getEntityIDsForType(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Returns the Wikidata entity IDs for entities instance of a certain type (P31).
getFormat(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
getFormats() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
getForPredicate(IRDFStore, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Lists all resources or literals for the resource and predicate.
getId() - Method in interface net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.IWikidataMolecule
getId() - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
getIDMapper(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Returns the IDMapper for the given provider.
getInternalModel() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.domain.Material
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug.CDKDebugManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ChemspiderManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.DOIManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.DuckDuckGoManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ExcelManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OpsinManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OscarManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubmedManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Gives a short one word name of the manager used as variable name when scripting.
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ReportManager
Gives a short one word name of the manager used as variable name when scripting.
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.SitemapManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
getManagerName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ZenodoManager
getMolecule(InChI) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Return a molecule with the given InChI, or throws an BioclipseException when it does not exist.
getName() - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
getNamespaces() - Method in class
getOAIPMHData(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ZenodoManager
getParsedResource() - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
Returns the RichSequence
getPlainSequence() - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
getResource() - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
getSheet(String, int) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ExcelManager
getSheet(String, int, boolean) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ExcelManager
getSource(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Looks up the DataSource for the given system code.
getSourceByPrefix(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Looks up the DataSource for the given prefix.
getSourceFromName(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Looks up the DataSource for the given full name.
getType() - Method in interface net.bioclipse.managers.domain.IMaterial
getType() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.domain.Material
guessIdentifierType(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Based on the given identifier, tries to guess what database that identifier comes from.


hasMolecule(InChI) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Return true if Wikidata contains a molecule with the given InChI.


IBactingManager - Interface in io.github.egonw.bacting
Interface for Bacting managers extension the IBioclipseManager with a method to return DOIs relevant to this manager.
IMaterial - Interface in net.bioclipse.managers.domain
An interface to represent a material.
importFile(IRDFStore, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Reads a RDF file in the given format from the workspace and stores the triples in the given triple store.
importFromStream(IRDFStore, InputStream, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Reads RDF triples from an InputStream in the given format and stores the triples in the given triple store.
importFromString(IRDFStore, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Reads RDF triples from an String in the given format and stores the triples in the given triple store.
importURL(IRDFStore, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Reads RDF triples from a URL and stores the triples in the given triple store.
importURL(IRDFStore, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Reads RDF triples from a URL and stores the triples in the given triple store, with additional HTTP headers.
InChIManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality to create and validate InChI and InChIKeys.
InChIManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Creates a new InChIManager.
io.github.egonw.bacting - package io.github.egonw.bacting
isAvailable() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Returns true if the InChI library can be used.
isLoaded() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Returns true if the InChI library was properly loaded.
isOnline() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Determines if online websites can be reached, reflecting access to the internet.
isValid(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
isValidCAS(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Determines if the given CAS registry number is valid.
isValidQIdentifier(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Determines if an identifier is a valid Wikidata entity identifier, like Q5.
isWellFormed(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
IWikidataMolecule - Interface in net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain


JSoupManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Manager for JSoup functionality to parse HTML content.
JSoupManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
Creates a new JSoupManager.


listAllOrganisms() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Returns all known organisms as a Java List.
listAllSources() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Returns all known sources as a Java List.
listIDMapperProviders() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Returns IDMappers supported by Bacting.
listMaterialTypes() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
listNamespaces(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
load() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
Loads the InChI library.
loadCompound(int, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
loadCompound3d(int, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
loadCompoundRDF(int, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
loadMolecule(InputStream, IChemFormat) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new ICDKMolecule from the content of the given InputStream, assuming it is in the format as given by the IChemFormat.
loadMolecule(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Loads a molecule from file using CDK.
loadRelationalDatabase(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Creates a BridgeDb IDMapper for the given Derby database location.
logfileLocation() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Returns the location of the current logfile.


map(String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given connection string, it returns mappings for the given identifier.
map(String, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given connection string, it returns mappings for the given identifier, but only for the given target data source.
map(String, Xref) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given connection string, it returns mappings for the given identifier.
map(String, Xref, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given connection string, it returns mappings for the given identifier, but only for the given target data source.
map(IDMapper, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given IDMapper string, it returns mappings for the given identifier.
map(IDMapper, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given IDMapper string, it returns mappings for the given identifier, but only for the given target data source.
map(IDMapper, Xref) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given IDMapper string, it returns mappings for the given identifier.
map(IDMapper, Xref, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given IDMapper string, it returns mappings for the given identifier, but only for the given target data source.
MarkdownSerializer - Class in
Serializes the report into Markdown.
MarkdownSerializer() - Constructor for class
Material - Class in net.bioclipse.managers.domain
Material() - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.domain.Material
Material(Material) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.domain.Material
Material(MaterialType) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.domain.Material
mcss(List<IMolecule>) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Calculates the maximum common substructure (mcss) starting of two or more molecules starting with the mcss of the first two molecules.
molecularFormula(ICDKMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Calculates the molecular formula for the given molecule.
molecularFormulaObject(ICDKMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Calculates the molecular formula for the given molecule.


NamespaceAggregator - Class in
ContentHandler that extracts XML namespaces.
NamespaceAggregator() - Constructor for class
NanoManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that wraps the CDK-based nanojava library.
NanoManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
Creates a new NanoManager.
net.bioclipse.biojava.domain - package net.bioclipse.biojava.domain
net.bioclipse.managers - package net.bioclipse.managers
net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug - package net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug
net.bioclipse.managers.domain - package net.bioclipse.managers.domain - package
net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain - package net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain - package
newFile(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Creates a new file in the Bioclipse workspace.
newFile(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Creates a new file in the Bioclipse workspace with the given content
newMaterial() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
newMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
newMaterial(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
newMaterial(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.NanoManager
newMolecule() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
newMolecule(IAtomContainer) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new CDKMolecule from the given IAtomContainer.
newMolecule(IChemObjectBuilder) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Creates a new CDKMolecule.
newProject(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Creates a new project in the Bioclipse workspace.
newQuantity(double, Unit) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Creates a new jQUDT Quantity for the given input.
newQuantity(double, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Creates a new jQUDT Quantity for the given input.


open(Object) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Not currently implemented.
OpsinManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that wraps OPSIN functionality for processing IUPAC names.
OpsinManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.OpsinManager
Creates a new OpsinManager.
options() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.InChIManager
OscarManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that adds text mining functionality.
OscarManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.OscarManager
Creates a new OscarManager.


parse(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
Parses a file with HTML content from the workspace into the JSoup Document.
parse(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.SitemapManager
Extracts the URLs in a sitemap, each as a String representation.
parseIUPACName(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OpsinManager
Parses a IUPAC name into a molecule.
parseIUPACNameAsCML(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OpsinManager
Parses a IUPAC name into a molecule.
parseIUPACNameAsSMILES(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.OpsinManager
Parses a IUPAC name into a molecule.
parseString(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
Parses a string with HTML content into the JSoup Document.
partition(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
perceiveCDKAtomTypes(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug.CDKDebugManager
Returns a string of atom types as recognized by the CDK.
processSPARQLXML(byte[], String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Processes XML returned by a remote SPARQL end point.
proteinFromPlainSequence(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
proteinFromPlainSequence(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BiojavaManager
PubChemManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality to interact with the PubChem database.
PubChemManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
Creates a new PubChemManager.
PubmedManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
PubmedManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.PubmedManager
Creates a new PubmedManager.


QUDTManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager providing unit conversion functionality.
QUDTManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.QUDTManager
Creates a new QUDTManager.


RDFManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the Resource Description Framework standard.
RDFManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Creates a new RDFManager.
READ_TIME_OUT - Static variable in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
readFile(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Read a file content line by line into memory.
readFileIntoArray(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Read a file line by line into memory.
readString(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
readValid(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
readValidString(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
readWellFormed(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
registerDataSource(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Creates a new DataSource based on the system code and full name.
remove(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Deletes the file in the Bioclipse workspace.
removeHTMLTags(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
Takes a HTML string and removes all tags.
renewFile(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Creates a new empty file in the Bioclipse workspace or empties the existing file.
ReportManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager providing reporting functionality.
ReportManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.ReportManager
Creates a new ReportManager.
requireVersion(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Method to check if Bioclipse has the right version that can be used to ensure it is new enough.
resolve(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.ChemspiderManager
Looks up ChemSpider identifiers for the given InChIKey.


search(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.DuckDuckGoManager
search(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.PubChemManager
Searches PubChem for compounds using the given query.
search(String, String, int) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Using the given connection string, it returns mappings for the given identifier, but only for the given target data source.
search(IDMapper, String, int) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Searches in the given database for hits, with a given maximum.
select(Element, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.JSoupManager
Selects a subsection of the Document and returns it as an Elements object.
serialize(IReport) - Method in class
Converts the IReport into a Markdown String.
setRichSequence(RichSequence) - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
SitemapManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that helps work with sitemaps.
SitemapManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.SitemapManager
Creates a new SitemapManager.
size(IRDFStore) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Returns the number of RDF triples in the triple store.
sparql(IRDFStore, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Queries a local RDF triple store.
sparqlRemote(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Queries a remote SPARQL end point without Apache Jena.
sparqlRemote(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Queries a remote SPARQL end point.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class


toCML() - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
toFasta() - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaSequence
Convert RichSequence to FASTA and return as String.
toSMILES() - Method in class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule
toString() - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaDNA
toString() - Method in class net.bioclipse.biojava.domain.BiojavaProtein
totalFormalCharge(IMolecule) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager
Calculates the total formal charge.


UIManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager providing core functionality, focusing on the Bioclipse workspace and user interface interaction.
UIManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.UIManager
Creates a new UIManager.


validateAllOfType(IRDFStore, String, String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.RDFManager
Validates triples according to some shape expression in ShEx format.
version() - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BioclipseManager
Returns the version of the current Bioclipse libraries.


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class
WikidataManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the Resource Description Framework standard.
WikidataManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.WikidataManager
Creates a new WikidataManager.
WikidataMolecule - Class in net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain
WikidataMolecule(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.wikidata.domain.WikidataMolecule


XMLManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the eXtensible Markup Language standard.
XMLManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.XMLManager
Creates a new XMLManager.
xref(String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Creates a Xref object for the given identifier.
xref(String, String) - Method in class net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager
Creates a Xref object for the given identifier.


ZenodoManager - Class in net.bioclipse.managers
ZenodoManager(String) - Constructor for class net.bioclipse.managers.ZenodoManager
Creates a new ZenodoManager.
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