Uses of Interface
Packages that use IBactingManager
Uses of IBactingManager in net.bioclipse.managers
Classes in net.bioclipse.managers that implement IBactingManagerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Bioclipse manager providing core functionality.class
Bioclipse manager that provides BioJava functionality.class
Bioclipse manager that provides identifier mapping functionality using the BridgeDb framework.class
Bioclipse manager that provides cheminformatics functionality using the Chemistry Development Kit database.class
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality to interact with the ChemSpider database.class
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the Resource Description Framework standard.class
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality to create and validate InChI and InChIKeys.class
Manager for JSoup functionality to parse HTML content.class
Bioclipse manager that wraps the CDK-based nanojava library.class
Bioclipse manager that wraps OPSIN functionality for processing IUPAC names.class
Bioclipse manager that adds text mining functionality.class
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality to interact with the PubChem database.class
Bioclipse manager providing unit conversion functionality.class
Bioclipse manager providing reporting functionality.class
Bioclipse manager that helps work with sitemaps.class
Bioclipse manager providing core functionality, focusing on the Bioclipse workspace and user interface interaction.class
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the Resource Description Framework standard.class
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality around the eXtensible Markup Language standard.class
Uses of IBactingManager in net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug
Classes in net.bioclipse.managers.cdkdebug that implement IBactingManagerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Bioclipse manager that provides functionality by the Chemistry Development Kit that give access to less used functionality and exposes more details of the underlying data model.