Mitch just launched ChemRank, a website where we can comment on and vote thumbs up or down for scientific articles. Good initiative I think. Some thoughts:

  • please include the DOI for each article overview on the front page (see why)
  • make the content opendata, e.g. using the CC license
  • provide a means to refer to other literature to back up comments and ranking
  • provide an API to make mashups (like that of Chemical blogspace for use in Greasemonkey scripts)
  • make the website source code opensource (JSON, RDF come to mind)
  • use microformats where possible (for Operator and FF3)
  • at least provide means for tagging articles
  • provide browsing by journal
  • import articles from Connotea/NatureNetwork/etc

Please consider there as feature requests, and not as critique. Two of these are already listed in the developers wishlist. I will likely come up with more later :)