• Are chemogenomics and proteochemometrics the same?

    Joerg Wegner recently blogged about Chemogenomics: structuring the drug discovery process to gene families by C.J. Harris and A. P. Stevens in Drug Discov Today (DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2006.08.013). This review article provides a nice overview of a trend in mathematical modelling of the interaction of small organic molecules with proteins, often referred to as QSAR. What the article does not discuss, is the work by the group of Jarl Wikberg who coined the term proteochemometrics (see PubMed: 11342268).

  • Google's new search engine: /* Code Search */

    Google has set up a new search enginge specifically for source code: /* Code Search */. Important difference with their normal search engine is that it allows restricting your search by programming language, license and filename and package. I have not been able to figure out how to use ‘package’ yet, but the others are pretty clear. For example: AtomContainer license:LGPL lang:java should do it. The search results show filenames, licenses and programming languages:

  • Bioinformatics: Open Source or Open Access??

    I have heard that bioinformatics is ahead of chemoinformatics. However, I discoverd that this is not necessarily the case, while preparing for a homology modeling course I gave this week at the CUBIC. Open Access is really no issue there, with open access journals and many open access databases. But it is different when it comes down to open source software.

  • CompLife'06 - Day 1

    CompLife’06 started today in Cambridge, UK. About 80 people are attending the meeting, and topics range from systems biology to QSAR. This evening there was a free software session mostly focussing on opensource software. Twelve projects were presented, among which the CDK (by me) and Bioclipse (by Ola), in five minute presentations, and a two hour demo period during a reception (free speech and free beer :). We had our brand new fliers with us, as well as a large poster for some additional branding.

  • CDK Bug Squash Party - Day 5

    Day 5 was formally the last day (see also the summaries of day 1 , day 2 and day 3/4 ) of the Chemistry Development Kit Bug Squash Party (BSP). Miguel uploaded the last bits of his CDK PDBPolymer to CML to CDK PDBPolymer roundtripping functionality (closing a bug and a feature request in one go). Have not tested this first hand yet, but looking forward to playing with this bit of code. Kai continued to work on the more difficult bits of the code refactoring, resulting in fewer though more comprehensive commits. Stefan fixed another bug in JChemPaint; the rendering of implicit hydrogens.

  • CDK Bug Squash Party - Day 3 and 4

    Because I was struggling hard with default values for cdk.interfaces fields, I did not have time to write up the Bug Squash Party report for day 3 (see also day 1 and day 2 ). But here it is.

  • CDK Bug Squash Party - Day 2

    Like yesterday I will give short overview of things done at the Chemistry Development Kit Bug Squash Party (BSP). I think Stefan was the only to fix and close a bug report yesterday. Rajarshi added the MDE descriptor (yes, during a BSP new code might be commited too ;)