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Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic

© 2020-2025 Addshore, Daniel Mietchen, Egon Willighagen


Editor: Egon L. Willighagen Translators: Yayamamo, Marvin Martens, Sharon and Carolina Prado, Tiago Lubiana

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 International

WARNING: for the past two years the data in this book was regularly updated. Content was added in the first year at a regular basis. There is still a lot of SARS-CoV-2 knowledge in Wikidata to be summarized, but the updates have become irregular. Check this version history for the most recent updates. Updated translations and other contributions are still welcome.

This book is written in Markdown with additional instructions that are preprocessed. This project was started after this tweet by Maulik Kamdar and hopes to contribute to Wikidata:WikiProject COVID-19. Wishes, comments, and pull requests can be sent to this GitHub repository. If you like this effort, please star this GitHub repository! While the book itself has the CC-BY-SA, all SPARQL queries in this book can be used under the CCZero license/waiver.

How to cite

This is how to cite the English version of the book:

To cite one of the translations:


  1. Introduction
    1.1. Adding missing topic annotation
    1.2. Other annotation
    1.3. More in Wikipedia
  2. Viruses
    2.1. All SARSr viruses
    2.2. The seven coronaviruses that infect human
    2.3. All betacoronaviruses
    2.4. All coronaviruses
    2.4.1. Comparing viruses
    2.5. NCBI Taxonomy IDs
  3. COVID-19
    3.1. Symptoms
    3.2. Effects
  4. The pandemic
    4.1. Virus transmission
    4.2. Progression
    4.3. Regional progression
    4.3.1. Progression in The Netherlands
    4.3.2. Progression in Italy
    4.3.3. Progression in the U.S.A.
  5. SARS-CoV-2
    5.1. Genomes
    5.1.1. Variants
    5.2. Genes
    5.3. Proteins
    5.4. Protein complexes
    5.5. PDB structures
  6. Genomes, Genes, and Proteins
    6.1. All SARSr genes
    6.1.1. All SARSr proteins
    6.2. All human coronaviruses
    6.3. All HCoV genes
    6.3.1. All HCoV proteins
  7. The Human
    7.1. Interacting genes and proteins
    7.2. Biological processes
  8. Solutions
    8.1. Antibodies
    8.2. Vaccines
    8.3. Clinical trials
    8.4. Drug repurposing
  9. Literature
    9.1. about SARS-CoV-2
    9.1.1. about the SARS-CoV-2 variants
    9.1.2. about SARS-CoV-2 genes
    9.1.3. about SARS-CoV-2 proteins
    9.2. about coronaviruses
    9.2.1. about human coronaviruses


Authors and content contributors


Other contributions