
The FAIR Cookbook is a community-driven resource that is being populated and improved, iteratively, in an open manner. This section is meant to provide basic information to users looking to contribute content to the FAIR Cookbook.

To provide content, you have the three follow options, which are detailed in their respective sections:

  • Provide content using the Google doc template

  • Provide content using HackMD

  • Provide content using Github by sending a Pull Request to our repository

It always starts by getting in touch with the group, by simply logging an issue in our repository issue tracker.

Remember you can also provide a recipe in the form on Jupyter Notebook. Simply, fork the Github repo, following the editing guidelines and the Jupyter-Book documentation, and give us a nudge when you are ready to submit.

We also provide a few tips and tricks that you can use to ease integration with the book, as well as a recipe template

You can always contact us at

Thank you in advance for your input, you are awesome!